It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.
Everywhere I go.
Take a look in the five and ten glistening once again
With candy canes and silver lanes aglow.
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. . . . .
Toys in every store . . . . . .
But the prettiest sight I’ve seen, is the holly that will gleam, on my own front door.
It’s Christmas time.
I know. It’s also crazy time. But it only comes once a year, so I have to make myself put the crazy aside for a while.
Last week was maniacal. Too much shopping. Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. Running around like a hullabaloo.
But this week, I told myself, “SELF! There is only one week left. If you don’t enjoy the season now, then it will be gone, and SELF! you’ll have to wait another 330 days until you get another shot at this thing. This wonderful marvelous, miraculous thing, where the whole world stops to celebrate.” So, I nodded in agreement. Myself can be pretty convincing.
So, mandatory Christmas music is playing in my house (sans TV!) from the hours of 4:40am -7:15am, and 3:00pm – 6:00pm.
Also, holiday lights inside the house are turned on 20 hours a day.
Outside holiday lights have been pushed up to 6 hours of outdoor lighting, 7 days a week.
The elf on the shelf has found himself in even more precarious predicaments.
The first official batch of Christmas Cookies has been made (recipe coming friday), and they have transported me directly to heaven.
AND if that weren’t enough. . .
To start us all off in the most festive and creative of seasons, we made dough ornaments! With my sister and my two favorite boys in the entire universe.
Life. is. as. it. should. be.
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My sister and I are such nostalgic hammy hams.
When we were kids we used to make these ornaments.
I can remember 2 she made that were utterly and completely PERFECT.
A reindeer with twigs as antlers and a Santa face.
Every year, when no was looking I licked them. LIKE FULL ON TONGUE ON THE ORNAMENTS AND JUST WET. IT. ALL. UP.
They just looked so pretty, and then when you licked them, they were completely salty. . .because the salt is what preserves them. . .and even though it was a conundrum. . .(which really it isn’t. . .no big question as to whether or not one should eat a big salty cornstarch cookie) I just couldn’t keep my lips away.
I don’t suggest you do that.
Or kids. No. Be smarter than me. Do not eat your Christmas Tree ornaments. Or tree for that matter.
But know this. . .if you do. . .you’ll grow up to be a food blogger.
And weird.
Which, in my circle, should be worn like a badge of honor.
Want to do this craft yourself? Lunacy not required.
1. Go grab the Dough Ornament Recipe from Imperial Sugar. It’s a classic recipe for dough ornaments. On their site they show a fantastic picture of Dough Candy Canes and Icicles. Very clever and fun, no cookie cutters needed. My family used the same recipe, made icicles, but also added our own twist. Cookie cutters and washable craft paints for the cut out versions of holiday characters.
2. If you’re using cookie cutters, here are a few more things you may want. . .
Twigs for antlers
star anise, cloves, and pepper corns for eyes, buttons, or other decorations.
Craft paint (we used crayola washable paints)
paint brushes
toothpicks (for making holes to hang the ornaments)
3. Preheat your oven 200 degrees.
4. Combine the ingredients as directed.
5. Roll the dough into ropes, or roll it out FLAT onto a floured surface with a rolling-pin to about 1/4 of an inch.
6. Cut out into shapes or form your own unique icicles, candy canes, or other festive designs. (For candy canes follow step 10 on Imperial Sugar’s site. . .don’t forget to add red food color to half the dough!)
7. Place them on a foiled lined cookie sheet. Using your toothpick, make holes near the top for hanging them later. . . . BEFORE YOU BAKE THEM.
8. Once they are done cooking and cooled, you can paint them, or hang them directly onto your tree!
Merry Christmas!!!
Imperial Sugar has Tons of Activities to fill your kids holiday vacation!
Check out more Holiday Craft ideas !
including. . . .