Halloween Homemade Candy: Milk Chocolate Pumpkin Seed and Candy Corn Bark and A Crazy About Chocolate GIVEAWAY!


Okay, look.

If we are going to do this thing, this blogging thing. . . .

This thing —-> where I type  and you read.

You know. . . . .THIS.


It might get a little rough.


And then you’ll be like, “Great. Fab. I’ll try and click over everyday.”

But only, sometimes when you click over (like every other day for the past week), you’re like, “She lied. SHE IS NOT POSTING EVERY SINGLE DAY. She ONLY Posted 5 times this week! What a lying sack of ****!”

But I’m like, “Hold Up. Wait a minute. Sit back, relax, and chill-ax for a while. I’ve got real world issues. Like SUPER SCARY BLOGGING ISSUES.

Like seriously, I just moved over to WordPress.org so I could reach more of you, but sheesh. . .I’ve lost like 90% of my RSS feeds.

And my page rank. WENT TO NILL.

ALL my comments for the last 3 years. . . . .GONE. GONE. GONE.

And my sanity, Lord help me. Has gone flying out the window.”

So, my lovelies, please bear with me. Or bare with me. Or stare with me. Whatever.

Just please forgive me for my sins.

I’m trying to pull this all together, with the few brain cells I have left.

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is why I’m making Chocolate Candy today.


is why I’m giving away a CRAZY ABOUT CHOCOLATE by Krystina Castella,  today.


Honestly, it’s the only thing that is getting me through this very trying blogging time.

That. . .and the fact that I’m going to be making a Chocolate-Cherry Almond Panforte de Sienna (candy-ish cake) for Thanksgiving, Chocolate Covered Bacon and German Chocolate French Toast for Shelbi’s Birthday, Chocolate Hazelnut Date Tarts because I plan on walking into the kitchen, and Chocolate Croissants because. . . .well. . .just because.

All selections from this beautiful  color cookbook with more than 200 delicious recipes to enjoy and help you forget about all your blogging woes. It’ll also teach you all sorts of techniques and “how to’s” on how to cook with chocolate.

Want one?

Here’s How To Enter:

Just answer the following question in the Comments section of this post:

“What happened to you this week that was just. plain. wonderful? ”

(Tell me anything.  Tell me EVERYTHING. Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. Send your good vibes my way.)

One entry per person, please. Or I’ll slap you with a piece of chocolate covered bacon. Which. . .could be enjoyable if you have a big mouth and fast reflexes.

The CRAZY ABOUT CHOCOLATE GIVEAWAY will end October 30th, 2013 at midnight CST. Winners will be announced on Thursday, October 31st, 2013. Entrants limited to US and Canada. They will be chosen randomly using http://www.random.org/

Good Luck!

And now. . . . .for the CHOCOLATE!!!!!

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I won a gallon of Coconut Oil.


Congrats Karen!!!

Please contact me at [email protected] in the next 48 hours to claim your prize or another winner will be chosen.

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Candy Corn Bark (Or Pumpkin Seed Bark)

Reprinted from Crazy About Chocolate© 2013 by Krystina Castella. Permission from Sterling , an imprint of Sterling Publishing Co., Inc.

Makes 1 -1/4 pounds


1 pound milk chocolate (at least 30% cacao), melted and tempered [Nicki Woo used dark chocolate]

1 -1/2 teaspoons vegetable shortening

2 cups candy corn (for Pumpkin Seed Bark: Replace the candy corn with 1 cup shelled pepitas (pumpkin seeds).


1. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and butter the parchment.

2. After tempering the chocolate, add the shortening and stir until melted.



3. Pour the chocolate onto the parchment, spreading it into a rectangle that is 1/4 inch thick. Smooth the surface with the offset spatula. Press the candy corn into the surface. Let set for 3 hours to cool, and then break the candy into bark.*



*Nicki Woo could not wait 3 hours. She was stressed out. So she placed her bark into the freezer for 30 minutes so she could eat it sooner. Not sure if this is okay or not. Seemed okay to her. Still looked pretty.  Still tasted FANTASTIC.






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69 thoughts on “Halloween Homemade Candy: Milk Chocolate Pumpkin Seed and Candy Corn Bark and A Crazy About Chocolate GIVEAWAY!

  1. When I was dropping off my 4 yo granddaughter (whom I have custody of) at preschool yesterday, she suddenly became upset and didn’t want me to leave. When I asked her what was wrong and why she didn’t want me leaving since this was unlike her, she replied ” I don’t want you to go because then I can’t look at your beautiful face!” I think that is wonderful!!! It made me feel wonderful!!! 🙂

  2. My son’s school fall carnival and book sale was this week, that was pretty fantastic, we both had a lot of fun, they had a bounce house, games,bingo, snacks and of course books for sale! (littlesillysally at gmail.com)

  3. This week I was able to reconnect with my best friend from a few years ago. I missed her a lot and I know that our conversation helped me. I hope I was able to brighten her day even half as much as she brightened mine.

  4. My daughter baked the most delicious cheesecake and brought me a big slice. It was better than Cheesecake Factory cheesecake or any cheesecake I have ever tasted.

  5. My daughter is starting to be potty trained! This is a big deal! Must celebrate with chocolate. :p

  6. My kids all got wonderful report cards, and one of them was chosen to be tested for gifted. I couldn’t be prouder of them.

      1. Subject: Re: New comment posted on Halloween Homemade Candy: Milk Chocolate Pumpkin Seed and Candy Corn Bark and A Crazy About Chocolate GIVEAWAY!

  7. i came home from sunny florida on sunday! this is a good thing because i got to see the sun, and my husband was with me, and he hates the sun and was grateful to go home.

  8. I got to see my son in his first swim meet and although he didnt win he tried hard and finished!

  9. Last week, I had a bad EKG so had to see a cardiologist for further tests today. Everything looked great and he said my heart is healthy.

  10. Our son just sent us a photo of the assembled crib that we purchased for our first grandchild who will be born in December.

  11. Today is my 2 year wedding anniversary and my husband surprised with me a weekend getaway for this coming weekend!

  12. We went to disneyland Halloween party for my birthday, well the night before my birthday and I dressed up as the birthday princess and even wore a velvet birthday cake hat!

  13. After weeks of being fogged in and super dreary weather, the sun came out. Even though it was a little chilly it was simply wonderful to sit outside in the wonderful sunshine with my dog.

  14. I am sooo super sorry that this happened to you. Blogging is such hard work, and I would want to cry a river if I lost everything like that :(. On a brighter note..what has happened to me the past week that was just plain wonderful is: I joined a writing class/group put on by the best selling Author SARK and have been have life changing things happen. It is so wonderful in many ways. I have met a network of like minded creative people to have fun and “play” with as we write, create, blog, or whatever, I have found partnerships and collaborations in this group that I think will propel some goals I have for my website in the future, created some fun writing pieces, and most importantly have made some wonderful friends in the process. It is nothing but positive vibes all of the time in this group (and nourishing encouragement). I am sending you some of those loving vibes, since you have had this sucky stressful blog stuff happening. Did you catch the magical vibes? Hang in there! Hey candy corn chocolate bark is a clever idea btw! ~Rebekah from weliveinspired.com

    1. yes! i caught them!!!! I have them!!!! Good vibes running all through my body!!!! Thanks! So glad and excited for you and your new found peers. It is so great to have writing friends. I feel like mine make me better ALL THE TIME! Thanks again! I’m sending more good vibes back your way:)))

  15. My husband snapped a picture of me because he said I looked very pretty. Completely unexpected and very sweet

  16. We found out the date that my daughter will be born, since she is stubborn and not coming out. It’ll be next Monday (so good news for this and next week).

  17. 2 Days ago my husband’s coworker brought in some HUGE pie pumpkins from a farmer she knows. Ours was so large I was able to make a large pie, 2 loaves of pumpkin bread, and enough to freeze for Thanksgiving! This was my first ever experience baking with real pumpkin!

  18. I brought in my hibiscus into the dark cool basement and it bloomed! It’s not winter till the last bloom fades.

  19. Found out on Monday that my mom’s PET scan came back all clear, meaning her cancer has stopped spreading!

  20. This stranger in Safeway insisted that I go ahead of him in line because he had a cart and I was carrying my groceries. It was just random sweetness.

  21. This week the doctor switched me to a different antibiotic that has finally cleared up my sinus infection. 🙂

  22. I heard my niece have her first giggle fit! It made my week! lexbaylor27 at gmail dot com

  23. I’m going to be a grandma. My daughter and her fiance find out next tuesday what sex it is. Woo Hoo!! I’m so blessed. Thank you for the giveaway 🙂

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