Autumn Squash Soup (My Panera Bread Copy Cat Version) REVISED


I don’t know if you know this.

I have another blog that I write on/at/for.  It is cyberly located (that sounds weird) at the Houston Chronicle. . .  The Home Guru with Nicki Woo.

Kind of catchy, if I do say so myself.

Anyway, sometimes I share things from THIS blog (this one right here, the one you and I are at), and sometimes I write something completely off the cuff, that nobody has ever before heard me say.

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a small post about quite possibly the BEST SOUP I HAVE EVER EATEN.  It was the Autumn Squash Soup at Panera Bread.  I loved it so much, that I made my own copy cat version, made it 3 times in one week, and shared it online.  Surprisingly, it seems that a lot of other people liked it too.

It has been shared on Facebook 67 times.

Which in my world is CRAZY. NUTS.

So, because I love you, TRULY. . .TRULY I do. I could not go another moment without giving you this recipe.  Hopefully, you’ll love it too. You’ll make it, like. . . .10 times this week. You’ll give it as presents, bath in it, give away your first-born just to have another taste.

You’ll come back to me again and gain. Crying. . .give me more Nicki Woo! Give me more!!!

You’ll promise to do anything I ask of you.

You’ll give me your children (the remaining lot that you haven’t given away yet)  to pay homage.

I’ll give them back because I already have 4 and I don’t want anymore.

But I will appreciate it all the same.

And I will tell you to get up off your knees, you are making a disgrace of yourself.

Because I love you.

And it’s enough to know you love the soup too.

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I originally made the soup without butter.  But upon returning and retesting the Panera version, they DEFINITELY had butter in their soup. So I amended my ingredients to state, either/or. . .because it really was delish with the olive oil. . .and after all the olive oil is better for you. . .

I also added cinnamon and nutmeg(which were not in my original recipe), because when I tasted it again at Panera, those spices were also clearly apparent. But you could completely leave those out as well, because I’m telling YOU. . .this soup is kick butt. . .and doesn’t even need them.

When you try it out, come back and tell me how you liked it, and how you made the soup your own!

Bon appetite!!!!



It’s like I have a problem or something and I just can’t give you the recipe and let you be on your merry way. I will, don’t worry, but I just want to give you a few caveats, because this is a very special soup. One to be appreciated and adored.

First, when you take your first slurp/bite, you’re going to be shocked. Because it’s like WOW! It’s sweet. Yet slightly savory. Creamy yet it has a little zip.

You’ll be tempted to quickly cram another spoonful into your mouth, but STOP. And savor the flavor. Maybe dip your sandwich into it and allow its mellowy flavors to mingle with your bread.

Just. . . .appreciate it.

Because I re-created this just for you.

And me. Let’s not forget me.


Autumn Squash Soup (Just Like the One at Panera Bread)

2 TB Olive Oil (For richer flavor use butter)

2 small onions, minced finely

1 Box – 14oz of Frozen (cooked) Butternut Squash, thawed*

1 – 15oz. can of pureed pumpkin (plain)

1 cup Apple Juice

1 cup Low Sodium Chicken or Vegetable Stock

1 tsp Curry Powder

1/4 -1/2 tsp Cinnamon (try a little first then add more if you like)

1/8 tsp Nutmeg (just a dash!)

1/4 cup honey

1/4 cup  granulated sugar (you may choose to add this 1 TB at a time to desired sweetness)

Salt, to taste (about 1/4 tsp)

1/2 cup + 2 TB Heavy Cream


*sold with the other frozen veggies. Looks like this. . .IMG_2505




1. In a large pot, heat olive oil over medium heat.  Add the onion, and cook for 3-5 minutes or until translucent and soft.

2. Add squash, pumpkin, apple juice, and stock. Stir well to combine. Continue to cook over medium heat for about 5 minutes. Add curry, cinnamon, nutmeg,  honey, sugar, and salt. Cook another 10 minutes before adding cream. Continue to heat until soup is warmed through. Serve with Sunflower Seeds or Pepitas sprinkled on top!!!

ONE MORE THING: In my most humble opinion, this soup is best served with a HOT, cheesy toasty gooey sandwich. Maybe a homemade grilled cheese OR EVEN a super easy Hot Pocket warmed in your microwave. Either way, you won’t regret this lovely addition.






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