Citrus – Kale Juice and Pre-Teen Art.

I wonder if she knows.
I wonder if she knows how in awe I am of her.
Of her round black eyes,
and her temper tantrum cries,
the way she walks,
the way she talks,
and even the way she smells.
Still when I lean in to kiss her,
I inhale extra big, to suck her in.
Breathe her in.

She’s growing so fast,
and now it seems I can’t keep up.
She’s annoyed with me, I ask too many questions
I require more than she is willing to give.
But still, she fascinates me.
I know her so well,
yet not at all.
I found this on the dining room table, this morning when I was cleaning up.
An art project from the first week of school.
At the bottom it reads . .
“Here is the mandala that I’ve created. It’s full of symbols that represent me. Starting in the middle, I chose to paint an artist palette and paint brush. I’ve always been a creative person, and I have a passion for art. On the bottom right of my mandala I have a heart. This heart represents my love for family. On the bottom left I have a cross. This represents the balance in my life, and my love for God. On the top right of my mandala I have a basketball and volleyball. I’ve played sports since I can remember. I’m currently on the volleyball team, and I plan to try out for the basketball team. Finally, on top left of my mandala I have a rainbow. This represents the return of happiness and goodness in my life.”
Shelbi – Age 12
It is a wonderful craziness, this piece of manilla paper is.Full of all sorts of things I didn’t know. First, she loves HER FAMILY. Really? REally??? I was beginning to wonder. . .but ummmm. . . that’s VERY good to know.

And God and balance in her life. Seriously? She has been listening.
She wants to plays basketball? Praise God. She told me she hated basketball.
Rainbows for the return of happiness and goodness. Where has it gone? I thought it was always there.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
I don’t know what to say.
Other than. . .I’m addicted to this fascinating 12 year old creature/child.
I can’t help myself.
And I can’t get enough.
It’s like I’m dating this dude who is so cool, way cute, and over the top interesting.
But, he’s so NOT into me, and he can’t be bothered.
That’s what I feel like.
I’m dating my uninterested daughter.
Is that what it’s supposed to feel like?
Cuz, it doesn’t ONLY feel like that?
Sometimes its like I’m dating my dentist who keeps pulling my teeth.
Sometimes its like I’m dating my mother, and she won’t stop nagging.
I wonder if that’s normal.
Anyway, as I date my way too cool for me daughter, I’ve been trying out some new recipes.
Because. ..
since she’s way cool, she can’t be bothered with chewing her food anymore.
Chewing, is WAY
She’s totes into fro-yo, smoothies, and juices.
So, in my attempt get on her good side,
I made this juice from a new cookbook that’ll I’ll review in full . . . .manana. . . .Kale: The Complete Guide to the World’s Most Powerful Superfood.
And now, not only am I addicted to my pre-teen,
I’m totes addicted to this juice.
Citrus Kale Juice
adapted from Kale:The Complete Guide to the World’s Most Powerful Superfood by Stephanie Pederson
In the cookbook, Pedersen calls this juice Sunshine juice and she uses a lime in addition to the lemon. Which I’m sure is great, but no limes had I. And likewise, I don’t have a juicer. . .so instead, I always use my Ninja blender and strain. I think you could do the same with any high powered blender. So anyway, here is my version. . .
Handful of Kale leaves
1 apple cored and cut into fourths.
1 orange, peeled and cut into fourths
1 clementine, peeled
1 lemon (about 3 TB juice)
If using a blender about 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup water. .  . .
1. Blend in blender.
2. Strain to remove pulp.
3. Pour into glass. Suck down.
4. Eat the pulp. I do. It tastes like a crazy good Kale Applesauce.

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3 thoughts on “Citrus – Kale Juice and Pre-Teen Art.

  1. This made me smile. “It’s like I’m dating this dude who is so cool, way cute, and over the top interesting. But, he’s so NOT into me, and he can’t be bothered.”
    the joys of a 12 year old LOL
    I like kale anyway but that drink sounds good, have to give it a try

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