Papaya Beauty Smoothie, Birthdays and The 8-Week Healthy Skin Diet


I’m doing a bit of recovery today from a slightly hectic week.
Hence the pic of the Healthy Papaya Beauty Smoothie (more on that later).

We started the week with Bella’s Birthday.

Store bought Ice Cream Cake. Walmart. $14.99.

Rainbow colored birthday girl. About to burst open from shear happiness.

The loot. Everything having to do with SOFTBALL.

Balls. Balls. And more Balls.

 A big net thing so she can practice hitting and pitching in the backyard.

A purse. Softball neon yellow.

 And maybe her fave gift of all. Bacon Flavored Sunflower seeds.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
And now.
I have to get ready for tomorrow.
It’s my birthday.
So today, I’m going to make a list of all the things I want to do with Warwick tomorrow (he’s taking the day off).
This is what I have so far. . . .
1.) Eat lovely breakfast, then shoo my kids out the door to school.
2.) Go to this really cool Garden Nursery in Seabrook.
3.) Go flea market shopping!!!!!!
4.) Eat lunch somewhere fabulous. Get EXACTLY what I want. No matter the caloric intake. No matter the price.
5.) Go to Ikea and then to Starbucks just because I like the way they smell inside.
6.) Pick up our kids from school.
7.) Eat dinner at 4:00 pm so we can make it to 5:45 and 6:00 Volleyball and Softball practice.
8.) Come home and eat some really great birthday pie that has been purchased in my honor.
9.)Kiss my children goodnight. Hug my husband tight. Pray for my mom and dad. And be ever so grateful for a fantastic 38 years of life.
10.) Go to bed knowing my 39th year will be even better.
Not a bad list. But I’m still working on it.
I’m also working on eating the absolutely most perfect meals today. . . . .in order to enhance my tomorrow.
Light, Fresh. Full of nutrients.
Like this Papaya Smoothie.
So good that my knuckle head 3 year old drank it up. . . .completely. . .so I had to make another.
I’m thinking this book might come in handy now that I’m almost 38. It has all sorts of tips and tricks on how to take care of your skin and how to make yourself feel beauitiful on the inside and out.
Which is important at any age.
And quite honestly,
as long as I’m feeling and looking good, I’ll never be ashamed to say how old I am.
Here’s to 100 years of looking and feeling BEAUTIFUL!
Happy Birthday to me.

Papaya Beauty Smoothie, page 349

Excerpted from The 8-Week Healthy Skin Diet by Karen Fischer © 2013 Robert Rose Inc. May not be reprinted without publisher permission

This thick, tropical, gluten-free smoothie is a delicious and refreshing drink. It contains vitamin C–rich papaya, which enhances protein digestion; bananas, which are a great source of fiber; and ginger and lime, which are alkalizing. The only thing missing from this recipe is protein, which is vital for firm skin, so ideally you should use this shake as a digestion-enhancing appetizer and have it 15 to 30 minutes before a protein-rich meal. If consumed before dinner, it may also aid weight loss because flaxseed oil triggers the satiety response.

Makes 1 large or 2 small servings

1⁄2 cup pure apple juice (sugar- and preservative-free)                           125 ml
1⁄2 cup water                                                                                         125 mL

1 cup chopped papaya (optional: pre-freeze  chunks)                              250 mL
1 frozen banana (peel and chop before freezing)                                      1
1⁄2 lime, juiced (about 4 tsp/20 mL)                                                        1⁄2

1⁄4 tsp grated gingerroot (optional)                                                          1 mL

1 tbsp ground flax seeds or flaxseed oil                                                    15 mL

1 tbsp lecithin granules (GMO-free soy)                                                   15 mL

1.   Combine apple juice, water, papaya, banana, lime juice and ginger in a blender and blend on high until smooth. Add flax seeds and lecithin and blend for a further 20 seconds. Serve and drink immediately. For a thinner mixture, add extra water.


Acne-prone people may need to use less or no flaxseed oil.

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