Malted Pineapple, Coconut, Banana Smoothie and HEB $25 Gift Card Slim Down Showdown GIVEAWAY!!!!

Winner Announced Below!!!
Child #3:   And then she said, “Get away from me! YOU’RE SO ANNOYING!!!”
Me:  Is that right?  Did you call your sister annoying?
Child #1: Well, no. I told her she was annoying me, and then I asked her to go away.
Me: Well, don’t tell your sister she’s annoying, and try not to tell her to go away. She’s only SIX. The things you say really affect her.
Child #1: Well, its not my fault that she’s SO ANNOYING, and you never do anything about it. You never listen.

Me: Well, if you tell me. . .WHEN IT IS HAPPENING. . .I will do something about it.
Child #1: No you won’t. I did.  And YOU DID NOTHING.
Me:  You didn’t tell me! I would have done something.
Child #1: I did. When you were talking to Sue.
Me: Well no wonder!  I was talking to an adult! You shouldn’t be trying to hold conversations with me while I’m talking to an adult. You should have waited. I’m certainly not going to be listening to you if I’m talking to an adult. That was very rude.
Child #1 and Child #1’s Preteen Friend:   *giggle, giggle, giggle*
They think I’m an idiot.
That’s okay.
Their children will think they’re idiots too.
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All I can say is I try.
100% of the time, I try.
But only if you’re trying 100%.
And only if it’s not while your telling on your sister while your mother is trying to talk to an adult.
And not while your other sister is hitting you.
Or the other, other sister is annoying you.
And certainly not while you’re sitting in the third row of the family Yukon giggling with your best friend and making fun of your mother.
Otherwise, just the mere act of trying your hardest is A-O-Kay in my book.
These guys could give us all a lesson in trying our hardest (You can click on each individual picture to find out more about them).
They are HEB’s Slim Down ShowDown Contestants! And they are trying their hardest to shed some weight over the course of a 16 week Challenge to live healthier lives and possibly win the $10,000 grand prize or a $5,000 “fan favorite” prize.
All they have to do is give it there all and H-E-B provides them with the education and tools they need to achieve their goals! Each contestant throughout their journey is embracing the program and publicly sharing their lifestyle changes through blogs and vlogs. 
And now H-E-B wants to let you get in on the action!
As a part of H-E-B’s commitment to improve the health of ALL TEXANS and provide us all with FRESH HEALTHY FOOD that is affordable and easy to prepare they would like to offer YOU a chance to win. . . .
A $25 GIFT CARD that can be used at H-E-B, H-E-B plus! and Central Market to help you achieve a healthy lifestyle as well!
Here’s How to Enter:
Go to H-E-B’s Slim Down Showdown Page and pick who you’d like to win.  And then come back and tell me who it is! (I’d also love to here about what you’re trying really hard at to achieve this week. It’ll make me feel better and offer me inspiration, but that part is optional:)
THE RULESOne entry per person, please. And please give 100% when entering. You know how anything less upsets me.

The H-E-B Slim Down Showdown $25 Gift Card GIVEAWAY will end August 7th, 2012 at midnight CST. Winners will be announced on Wednesday, August 8th, 2012. Entrants limited to US and Canada. They will be chosen randomly using

Good Luck!

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And the winner is . . . . . . .

The Preppy Student
I’d like Vanessa to win! [email protected]
Please contact me at [email protected] in the next 48 hours to claim your prize or another winner will be chosen.
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And now A RECIPE!!!!
To celebrate being healthy!
And trying your hardest!
And for just being wonderful!!!
Malted Pineapple, Coconut, Banana Smoothie
 Makes 4 servings


4 cups ice
2 bananas
2 cups fresh pineapple
1 cup Light Coconut Milk
1/4 cup Malt Powder (or substitute vanilla whey powder)
Honey, to taste (about 4 TB)


 1. To a blender add ice, bananas, pineapple, coconut milk, and malt powder. Blend.

2. Check for sweetness. If desired, add honey.  Serve immediately.

Disclaimer: This post was sponsored by H-E-B. However, all opinions are my own. I was given a $25 giftcard for participation in the program as well as one to share with you. Because well. . . . .I love you. You know that.

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