My Crazy Weekend and Crazy Cuisine Potstickers, Teriyaki Chicken and Orange Chicken Giveaway!!!

On Friday we cleaned out the guest bedroom, making way for Christmas cheer and holiday guest (Nana) and cleaned up the house a bit.

Saturday, we watched True Blood in bed until 9 am, watched two soccer games, and then pulled out the Christmas lights and started hanging. Don’t worry, we won’t turn them on until Thanksgiving weekend. We ate Chinese (from the freezer). And my kids loved me for it. Then after they went to bed, I made a Butterscotch Bread Pudding (coming soon) poured myself and Warwick a glass of dry red wine mixed with Sprite (it was really good), and then we watched more True Blood, followed by Saturday Night Live. Ha. Ricky Perry. Silly, horrible Governor Rick Perry.

Sunday, we went to church, and took Lucky for his 4 month shots, at 5 months of age. Watched two softball games and brought snacks to a group of very cute 7 year olds. I read Ramona and Her Father to my kiddos. And helped my 5th Grader with her school portfolio. I think it was more for me than it was for them.

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Weekends are generally pretty busy for us. So I don’t cook, because I don’t have time. Often we order pizza, pick up subs, or go by the McDonald’s with $1.99 Happy Meals.  Soledad ALWAYS requests Chinese. But the shop by our house has weird hours, and they aren’t open on Sundays.

So this weekend we had. . . .

And Soledad loved me to pieces.  Of course, she was famished because she forgot to eat lunch (how is that even possible) and when I came in from putting up the lights she was on her death bed.

“I promise dinner will be ready in 20 minutes tops.” And I set off to the freezer and turned on the rice cooker.

Pulled out these boxes, read the directions on the boxes, microwaved, and skillet cooked and did what I needed to do. I pulled out some veg, chopped it up while the food was warming, and set it all up, and what do you know, a fantastic Chinese meal in 25 minutes (could have been even less if I hadn’t chopped up a salad) and I even ended up with a clean kitchen in the same amount of time.

What I like :
It’s like Chinese Take Out in your freezer. My freezer. Our freezer? Anyway, they are super fast, and taste really great. My favorite are the Potstickers. Delicious and only took 6 minutes to make. Warwick really liked the Teriyaki Chicken, and they extra sauce that he could drizzle over his rice. The kids, devoured the Orange Chicken, which was quite nice. Sweet, with plenty of sauce, yet the chicken was a bit crunchy. Nice texture and flavor.

So now, after last night dinner, my children all agree that I’m pretty awesome at microwaving and throwing already cooked delicious food into the oven and skillet.
And you can be to.

BECAUSE. . . .  . .A Gift of Frozen Meals including Crazy Cuisine Potstickers, Chicken Teriyaki and Orange Chicken is up for grabs. Which is a WHOLE LOT OF FOOD. One that fed the hungry beasts at my house for two whole days. And those jokers eat A LOT.
Just answer the following question in the comments section of this post.

What did you do this weekend?


One entry per person, please. Or the Weekend Police will come to your house and make you do all sorts of horribly wretched boring mundane things on your next Saturday.

The The Crazy Cuisine GIVEAWAY will end Sunday, November 20, 2011 at midnight CST. Winners will be announced on Monday, November 21, 2011. Entrants limited to US and Canada. They will be chosen randomly using

Good Luck!

Disclaimer: This is a review/giveaway that I was NOT paid for. All the opinions are my own, and the only payment I received was the gift of being able to pass along a small token of my affection to you.  Because why? You know this answer.  I love you.

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