Quick and Easy Crawfish Boil

I’m not even sure how she does it.
She just walks off the plane, and EVERYBODY is putty in her hands.

She says something, and it’s golden.
“Hey Girls, let’s help your mom and clean up the entire house!” and all four of my kids jump up and start scrubbing the walls.

How does she do that?
I think it’s magic. Maybe Voodoo.

She’ll spank my hide for saying that. IT’S NOT VOODOO.

Such a misconception about people from Louisiana. My mother does not practice black magic. She goes only by the grace of God.  You hear me Mommy? Only by the grace of God!  She’s gonna kill me. I’ve really done it. 

I’M JUST SAYIN’. . . .it’s awfully strange, how the wildlife flocks to her, like she’s some Grandmother Nature. The birds of the air, the animals of the sea, the children of the house.  They all still in her presence.

These are all real pictures, taken by my camera, of animals flocking to come be with my mother. Can you hear
the angels singing? They are.

Well, this last one doesn’t STILL. But she does slow down, which counts for something.

And, I swear, she never ceases to amaze me.
How she can make my children, who are incessantly complaining and bored, be amused and occupied by a sport in which you must sit or stand and do nothing.

AND While I’m running around hot, bothered, and slipping in the mud for no apparent reason, she has the baby on her hip, soothing her WHILE baiting the fishing line.

That’s mad crazy, people.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –  – – –

It’s all very fishy if you ask me.
Even the crawfish stick around when she comes to town.

It’s nearing the end of the season, and it’s more difficult to find these little bugs in the grocery store. But like I said, the minute she stepped off the plane, the crawfish came a runnin’.

Probably because they know, it’s an honor to have her season them up and suck them down.

I love my momma.

Quick and Easy Crawfish Boil
* I probably don’t have to tell you this. But you’re gonna need a really big pot for these daddies. And of course, feel free to add more or less of whatever you like, onions also add a nice kick. My father in law likes to add chicken to his boils, and it always comes out rather tasty.

No crawfish? Try using raw Jumbo shrimp!

Ingredients –

3-4 pounds live crawfish
About 3 quarts of water
2/3 cup Crab boil
8 cobbettes (corn cobs cut in 1/3’s)
8 medium sized red skinned tomatoes
Smoked sausage, optional
2 TB Lemon Juice


1. Rinse the crawfish, daddies, bugs, or whatever you call them in the sink. I’m not sure if I need to tell you this, but leave them in the bag, because they are still alive and will be a flailing mess if you release them in your sink. And then, good look on getting them in the pot in anyway that might not be awkward. Remove any dead or crushed crawfish.

2. In a large pot, boil 3 quarts of water with the Crab boil for 10 minutes. Add potatoes, corn, lemon juice, and sausage if using. Bring back to boil, and boil for 15 minutes longer.
3. Now, if you’re like me, and you misjudged the size of your pot, you may need to remove the potatoes and corn before you add the crawfish. If you’re a planner, and you planned well, just add the crawfish. Bring back to boil, and boil for 3 minutes, NO LONGER.

 4. Drain. Peel to eat. Chug a beer. Or maybe two. Root beer works just as well. Oh! And don’t forget to suck the heads 🙂

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20 thoughts on “Quick and Easy Crawfish Boil

  1. Aren’t Grandmother’s amazing?!  My Mom is the same way…I don’t know how she does it!  Cheers to the great Moms and Grandma’s out there!

  2. You just totally amaze me!  How do you do it!  Awesome blogs 2 or 3 times a week.  You are a blog-goddess! BTW thanks for sharing your ma with us.  I can’t wait to see my little guys and girls later this month.  They make me a better person and I know your mom feels the same. They’re the greatest gift your children can give you. 

    1. You are so sweet! Thanks for those really kind words. I’m all hot and flustered now 🙂 I’m sure your little ones can’t wait to see you either. I think I hear them down the street. “When is she coming? When is she coming? In 1 day? 10 hours? When, when when???”  I know your loved and missed and cherished.

  3. Your mother is adorable… and I believe she is absolutely wonderful.  

    AND—- I have already made 2 of your recipes, now I want to make a third.  I am a slave to your cooking… 

    1. I’m going to tell her you said that! She really is adorable, and wonderful, and all of that, as I am sure your mother must be, to have raised such a smart and sassy young lady 🙂  You’ve made two recipes?  How fun! I’m so glad you liked them!

      BTW- I am such a better shopper now, on the fashion front. And let me tell you, I never walk out of the house, without thinking, What would Alexis think 🙂

    1. Oh Wow! You made my day!!!!! Thanks for the comment! I’m gonna post all
      the pics on Mommy’s FB account. One day 🙂

  4.  Those girls sure do love and look up to their grandma! Hats off to all us grandmas of the world!

  5. Haha!  All those animals runnin’!  Disney-esque.  Something about grandparents – they all have the ability to hold grandchildren spellbound.  Maybe we’ll get that power one day.  🙂

  6. Your mother sounds wonderful.  And as for the power to captivate, you already have it – I’m captivated by each and every post of yours!

    We can’t buy crawfish around here, but as soon as the corn’s ripe, I’m cooking this up with some shrimps.  Yummy!

    1. Aaahhh shucks. Some corn 🙂 Thanks for the kind words. Ooooh, it’ll be
      delightful with the shrimp. And a lot less wiggly, since you can drop them
      already deceased 🙂

    1. Okay friend, I’ll be needing a little lesson here. wHAT IN THE WHA GEEZERS
      DOES THAT MEAN? And since I don’t know, I’m thinking ix nay on the purging
      bay. We caught them, and kept them in a pond water cooler alive until we
      were ready to filet. Is that what you mean?

      I’m not a real fisherman. I just play one on TV. You have to teach me.

      1. De crawfishies.  They go in a kiddie pool or an old cooler, half full of water, and a good sized sprinkle of salt at least 6 hrs before cooking – it clears out their digestive tracts some.  And when they’re in the kiddie pool, it’s so much easier for the big kids to grab some and scare the little kids.  Not that my kids would ever scare little cousins like that. 

        Girlfriend, my fish comes filleted and in a bag.  Frozen.

        1. Ooooooh. Never been crawfishin’. Had em for pets, but never had the pleasure
          of hunting em’ down. My mom talks about it all the time, but I’m sure they
          didn’t go through that much trouble. But I sure would, so thanks for the
          tutorial, in case I ever get the chance. . . .

          1. I usually eat crawfish once a year, at my auntie’s May Bash.  This past year, there were over 75 adults, and at least that many kids.  We usually cut out before the margarita machine comes out, but it’s so much fun.

            Your recipes make me think I could do it toooooo!   So easy and effortless.  No wonder you have time to write very awesome books  🙂 

            Do you ever put mushrooms into your boils?  I love mushrooms.

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