Our One Year Anniversay & $20 CSN Store Giveaway!!!

Guess what today is?

It’s our anniversary. Our one year blogging anniversary.

365 Days of Silly stories, delectable food, and random things written down that pop into my head.

It was really good for me.

I hope it was good for you.

We aim to please, you know.

I have a little something for you. To let you know, that you really mean a lot to me. And because, my heart melts whenever I think of you making comments.

Over and over again.

I really love comments, and I really love you.

So TODAY. . . . . .

I’m giving away a $20 gift code to CSN stores. For you to go off and buy yourself a little something. It can be used in any one of their 200+ sites. For instance, in a store where they sell Pendant Lighting .

So go out and buy yourself something pretty. Or ugly. Though, ummm. . . .I’m sure they don’t sell anything ugly. Just buy whatever makes you happy.

Here’s how to enter:

Just answer the following question in the comments section of this post.

What is the best present you’ve ever received and Why?

And ix nay on the “my kids are the best present I’ve ever received”. I already know that. Plus that’s boring.

Only one entry per person. Even though my love for you knows no bounds. My mathematic skills do.

The CSN Store Giveaway will close March 13, 2011 at midnight CST. Winners will be announced on Monday, March 14th, 2011. Entrants limited to US and Canada. They will be chosen randomly using http://www.random.org/

***The best present I ever received was you following me on Twitter and Facebook. What? You haven’t done that yet? Well get on it then. This relationship can’t be a one way street you know!

Love you guys! Good Luck!

UPDATE 3/14/11:

Congratulations to the Winner!!!

Memoma – my best present has to be my engagement ring – my husband picked it out all by himself b/c i wanted to be surprised, and he did an amazing job.

Contact [email protected] to claim your prize.

(Note: If the winner doesn’t claim their prize within 48 hours, I’ll select a replacement and contact them.)

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