Cheesecake Lemon Bars

I’ve been recovering from a party that we had at our house for the Super Bowl.

I cleaned a lot.

I cooked a lot.

I ate a lot. 

I did however, have a lot of help.  My peeps are always anxious to give a helping hand when the end result is a party and a gluttonous evening of stuffing their faces at a trough.  I smile just thinking about it.

During our frenzy of cooking, Shelbi (10) was helping me with the Cheesecake Lemon Bars. Which I have never made before in my life, and had just seconds prior to this conversation decided to make.

Shelbi:   Have you ever made these before Mommy?

Me:   Nope.

Shelbi:    And you’re going to make these FOR THE FIRST TIME and feed them to company?

Me:   Yup.

Shelbi:   And what if they don’t turn out right?

Me:    I don’t know.  I suppose they’ll eat them anyway because they’re free.

Shelbi:   Oh.  *long pause – looks at the 2 boxes of lemon bar mix sitting on the counter* And just so I understand,  you’re going to make 2 boxes of this recipe that you’ve NEVER made before for our guests who are coming over to our house to eat the food that you’ve prepared. When they have no other option to eat anything else?

Me:   Y-E double S.

Shelbi:    Hmm. *long pause, then she faintly whispers* What about this idea?  Let’s make one box the same way we always do, because we know that will be good.  And we can experiment on the other box, and that way if one doesn’t turn out right, we still have something that tastes good.

Me:   *frowning* I don’t think so.

Shelbi is undoubtabley looking wounded and perturbed at the ridiculouness of this conversation.  She is far too responsible and reasonable to be my child.

Me:    Look.  I understand that you think it makes more sense not to take a risk with the dessert.  I feel you.  Dessert is very important.  It makes complete sense to hedge your losses, and go for what you know.  Only gamble a little on the unfamiliar.  But this is something that you must learn about your mother.  I am a “All or Nothing Chic.”  I go all the way, or not at all.  No matter what the cost. Do or die baby.

Mr. Woo walks into the room after ease dropping on our conversation.

Mr. Woo:   I’m with you Shelbi, it’s completely reasonable what you are asking your mother to do.

Me:   Uuugghhh. You two are too responsible and reasonable for my own good.  But, I’m sorry, I cant compromise on this. Its how I live my life.  That’s why your daddy loves me. That’s why he married me.  Look at him smirking.  He knows its true.  I have only once made a completely responsible and sensible decision not totally relying on my gut, and that is the day that I decided to marry your father.  Unfortunately for him, on that very same day he decided to make the most irrational decision of his life and marry me.  And look where that got him.

I think its safe to say Daddy hit the jackpot.

They both just look at me and roll their eyes.

– – – – – – – – – — – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

So I hit the jackpot too, I’m not afraid to say it.

I mean why the heck else would I have boxes of Lemon Bar mix laying around the house if not for my shining knight who happens to love anything and everything lemon.

And cheesecake too.  He loves him some cheesecake. 

No, not me silly. Though I am cheesey, I was talking about the cake.

So what a perfect combo, to make just for him (and a house full of hungry people), in this month of hearts, flowers and LOOOOVVVVEEEE.

You can use your own homemade version of lemon bars, and just use the cream cheese filling in this recipe or try the box, which frankly I kinda love.

Its up to you.  Either way, pucker up, it’ll have you smacking your lips in no time.

Cheesecake Lemon Bars
adapted from the back of the Krusteaz Lemon Bar Box

Box of Lemon Bar Mix (or your own Lemon Bar Recipe)
1/3 cup water
4 eggs
8oz. cream cheese, room temperature
1/2 cup sugar, granulated
Powdered sugar, for dusting

1.Preheat oven to 350.
2. Stir together water, 3 eggs, and lemon filling mix until smooth. Set aside.
3. Press crust mix (from box) firmly into the bottom of a 8×8 greased pan.  Bake for 8 minutes.
4. In a medium sized bowl, mix cream cheese and sugar until smooth with an electric blender.  Add 1 egg and mix until incorporated.
5.Pour cream cheese over hot crust. Pour lemon mixture over cream cheese layer. Don’t worry that the two appear to be intermingaling.  They’ll seperate as they bake.
6. Bake 40 minutes or until center does not jiggle when shaken. Cool completely. Cut into squares and dust with powdered sugar if desired. Store in the refrigerator.

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