And the Fruitalistic Winners are . . . . . . .

Guess what today is?

Friday, yes.  Such the smarty pants.

Guess again.

February 18th, right again. 
But yet, so very wrong.
You’re really not very good at this game.

TODAY is the day that I announce the winners of the Dole Fruit Bowl Giveaway!!!!!!!!!  (to see original contest go HERE .)

A beautiful day indeed.

I’m excited! Can you tell? I’m typing in fancy fonts and pretty colors.  That’s my undercover way to let you know I’m  happy, happy, happy for you, you, you.

Okay without further ado, or poo poo, which would be completely gross so I’m not sure why I’ve referenced that, the winners are. . . . . . .

Winner #1:      Yona – This is a hard question because I like a lot of different fruits – but for one that I can eat and eat and not get tired of…that would have to be the orange. The nice full, juicy kind. I love pineapples, but after awhile – I get sick to my stomach…I think I’m going for an orange right now…”

 Winner #2:     Pamela James – “Mangos I LOVE THEM they have such a yummy flavor”

Congrats, winners! Contact [email protected] to claim your 100% Fruit Juice Fruit Bowls.

(Note: If winners don’t claim their prize within 48 hours, I’ll select replacements and contact them.)

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