An Interview with a Me-Pire

Get it?

An interview with a Me-Pire. Like Vampire. Like the book. . . . . . and the movie.

It was supposed to be funny.

You know ’cause I’m all “I LOVE VAMPIRES.”

Well not all vampires.

Only vegetarian ones.

Anyway, I’m not sure how I got sidetracked. Interview, yeah right.

Somebody interviewed ME.

Cause I’m so smart. And studious. And ummm. . . .smart.

Just look at me.

I wear glasses. That’s like. . . . . brilliant people fashion.

Double look. I have a book. Now if that’s not genuis, I don’t know what is.

Who wouldn’t want to interview me?
Oh, hush your mouth.

You know you want to read it.

But, I’m warning you. I may not seem incredibly brilliant. But that’s my lure. I make you think I’m a crazy idiot, and then I’ve outsmarted you ALL. Making me. . . .Genuis. Brilliant. Smart. Vegan Vampire Lover.

Wanna read it? Go HERE to my friend Annie’s blog The Day After Yesterday.

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