Hot Chocolate Banana Smoothie

I had a dream about my husband.

He was so in love with me. Whenever we were apart all I wanted to do wasC4040-121 be with him. To stroke his hair. To feel his arms around me. To feel his breath against my neck.

When he walked, he had a swagger.  And his chest was HUGE and muscular. The shape of his back was CRAZY-RIDICULOUS.  Broad at the shoulders and ripply huge hunks of muscles all down his back.

But. . . . . .

He had Jon Bon Jovi’s Hair.  What do you think that means?

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Boy that Mr. Woo is a fat mug of Hot Chocolate Banana Smoothie.

I don’t think I need to elaborate.

Hot Chocolate Banana Smoothie


2 cups milk, microwaved until hot
1 banana
Ovaltine or Chocolate Syrup (per package instructions ~ 140-420 about 6 TB Ovaltine or 4-6 TB Syrup)
Dash of Nutmeg
Dash of Cinnamon


In a blender, combine hot milk, banana, ovaltine/chocolate syrup, nutmeg and cinnamon. Blend.

Serve in your favorite mug with marshmallows!

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