The Cookie Party Cookbook by Robin L. Olson

I’m just going to put all my cards on the table.

Any book that has over 170 cookie recipes is not going to get a bad review from me.

Cookies, bars, and candy recipes from all over the world. Come on peeps, I’m in heaven.

Not to mention the fact that this book, this fabulous piece of literary genius, caused my otherwise unreading always bored child to pause, grab the book and sit next to her Mama on the bed and read it cover to cover, dreaming about the cookies and parties we could have together.

Could have together.

She’d have a party with me.  And be my co-host. We could bake together. Side by side.

She’d whip up some Snickerdoodles, and when she turned her head I’d add more cinnamon.
She’d ask me how to whip the meringue, and I’d grab it from her and just do it myself.
She’d yell at me for being too bossy and never letting her add chocolate chips to everything.
We’d plan party decorations with her telling me the entire time that kids these days don’t like the old fashioned stuff I’m into.
She’d choose games that were ridiculously silly, with prizes that were ridiculously indulgent.

And then, we’d wrap it all up with me saying, “HOLD ON. Listen to me! Stop acting like you know everything!”

And finally she’d scream, “Mommy you’re so unfair. I don’t want to cook anymore!”
But she would, right after I let her lick the batter bowl.

And life would be perfect.

With cookies, and parties, and traditions, and a guide to tell us how to do it step by step.

You can’t put a price tag on that my friends.

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When I saw this recipe, my mouth watered at the mere thought.

Lemonade. Sour, sweet, and undeniably delicious.
Coupled with the sweet, crumbly decadence of a butter cookie.

And it only calls for 6 ingredients.

Somebody slap me.

Lemonade Cookies
Excerpted from The Cookie Party Cookbook by Robin L. Olson.
Copyright © 2010 by the author and reprinted with permission of St. Martin’s Griffin

Linda Maxell, Porterville, California
This is an old family favorite.

1 cup butter
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
3 cups sifted all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 6-oz can frozen lemonade concentrate

Heat oven to 400° F / 200° C

Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs, one at a time, and mix well. Combine flour and baking soda, and add alternately with ½ cup undiluted lemonade. Mix well and drop by teaspoonfuls onto an ungreased cookie sheet.

Bake at 400 degrees for 8 minutes.
After taking cookies out of the oven, brush the remaining lemonade over them and sprinkle with sugar.

Yield: 5 dozen

To learn more about Robin L. Olson, The Cookie Exchange Queen, you can go to her website at

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