Spinach Frittata, Usher – There Goes My Baby & Yvonne’s Comment

This is me grovelling.

This is me saying I’m sorry.  “Sorry, Mr. Woo.”

Sometimes I’m not so good at being a wife.

Sometimes I’m tired and I just can’t.  Sometimes I’m mean, and I just won’t.

Sometimes all I want is a hug, but I won’t give one.

I’m gonna try 200% today, Mr. Woo ~ because you deserve it.

Because you are the best there ever was, and because you think I’m beautiful even when I’m tore up and I’ve got crud in my eyes.

Because everytime I hear this song, I know it’s how you feel about me . Or maybe it’s how I feel about you, only the song is about a boy singing to a girl, and I’d have to change too many words, so that’s why I imagine that’s how you feel about me. (I could just be humoring myself. That’s fine too).


And because our sweet and wonderful friend Yvonne sent me a comment that reminded me of what a phenomenal person you are.

and because I love you, and really, when you married me, you knew exactly what you were getting yourself into.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

In addition to being sorry, I really wanted to do something  nice for Mr. Woo, to let him know how much I love him.  Something that would delight his spirit, and give him a really good start to his day.

I decided I’d make hime a Spinach Frittata.  He really loves these.

Only I didn’t wake up early enough, and now he’s at work, and I think he had Honey-Nut Cheerios for breakfast.

Foiled again. Maybe I should try 300% harder.

Spinach Frittata
Serves 4-6.


2 TB olive oil
1/2 onion , chopped
1/2 bell pepper, chopped
2 – 10 oz. packages of frozen spinach, thawed and drained (be sure to squeeze out all excess liquid)
6 eggs
1 1/2 cups reduced fat shredded cheese
1/3 milk
sour cream, optional
hot sauce, optional

Preheat oven to 350.


1. In a 10″ skillet that can be transferred to the oven, heat 1 TB of oil on medium high heat. Add onion and bell pepper and cook until soft, 3-5 minutes. Remove from heat.
2. In a large bowl, beat eggs. To the eggs, add spinach, milk, half the cheese and sauteed vegetables. Mix well.
3. Add the remaining oil to the skillet, and heat on medium/ medium low.
4. Pour egg mixture into skillet, and cook for 5 minutes or until the eggs are cooked on the bottom and almost set on top. Sprinkle with remaining cheese.
5. Place the skillet under the broiler for 2-3 minutes or until the frittata is set.
6. Slice into wedges, and serve with sour cream and hot sauce if desired.

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5 thoughts on “Spinach Frittata, Usher – There Goes My Baby & Yvonne’s Comment

  1. Aww, how romantic. I don’t think Mike or I ever have had an “our” song…it’d probably be James Ingram’s “How do you keep the music playing?” Definitely nothing so sexy as Usher leaping up the side of a building to plant a kiss on my sexy, hair-blowing in the wind skinny self stretched out on top of the building! You’re an inspiration, and the fritatta looks pretty darn sexy from where I’m sitting, too! Love, EW

  2. Hi. Nice post. and that frittata looks yummy I love scrambled eggs and spinach so this would be great! New follower from the hop

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