A New Surprise Everyday

Sometimes I look at my children, and think, wait a minute. . . .who are you?

Today, the answer to that question was Shelbi, age 9, Culinary Chef Extraordinaire.

That darling, strong headed, know it all, cute as can be kid came tumbling down the stairs this morning wanting to make breakfast.  “Okay,  but if you make anything fancy,” I said leerily, “make some for your sisters too.”

“Okay,” and she was off.

Thirty minutes later she returned with a plate for me.

How did I not know she could make perfectly scrambled eggs? And look it’s so pretty. All the colors on the plate. . . . . . and so fanciful with the organization of it all.  Oh my, ~ is that hot peppermint tea, with cream? Kid, I’ve been waiting for you all my life.

And then, I gobbled it up in two seconds flat.

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10 thoughts on “A New Surprise Everyday

  1. Wow, it does look pretty and with strawberries too. What a smart little girl. New follower here from the Thursday blog hop. I hope you’ll come visit and follow my blog too. You can’t have too many blogging buddies I always say. Smiles.


  2. I love this! Isn’t it amazing how visual children are? for them it’s about the journey so they don’t mind playing with organizing and coloring things. They aren’t on a mission for lunch as we are sometimes. Thanks for linking up to Simple Lives Thursday!

  3. Wow! How wonderful and waht a great thing to wake up to!

    Here from WW – hope to see you at Dropped Stitches!

    xo Erin

  4. I see a future Le Cordon Bleu Culinary Institute student. I can just see Miss Shelbi throwing down in Hell’s Kitchen. Isn’t it nice to be served food sometimes and get to eat it while it’s hot? -EW

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