Commercialized Fast Food/Coffee Addicted Junkee

I bought this lovely reusable tumbler the other day. It’s clear, and beautiful, and very smartly designed. It looks like a real Starbucks cup! Very clever. And the kicker, it’s double insulated with a screw top lid. Divine!

I love, love, love this cup.

My husband, does not.

“Nicole, it’s like you’re drinking out of a permanent styrafoam McDonald’s cup, ALL THE TIME. It makes you look like a fast food junkee.”

“But I’m not.”

“But you look like one.”

“So what? I know I’m not. And you know I’m not. So who cares if everyone else thinks I am.  I still won’t be.”

“Okay, I’ll buy you a Burger King cup on my way home from work.”

“Really?” smiles eagerly at the mere thought.

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6 thoughts on “Commercialized Fast Food/Coffee Addicted Junkee

  1. I bought the same cup last year. I love it too. I wonder where it is. 🙂 I think I’ll look for it now that you’ve reminded me that I own one.

  2. Hmmmm.. . .good question. Not sure. I’m thinking it’s too much to ask, but I sure will the next time I’m in there 🙂 !

  3. Ooh OOh! I love Starbucks cups!!!! They are so awesome. I haven’t seen this particular one, but I have a couple of tall, sleek looking coffee cups that do not leak. I lurv them!!!

    Also, I am a self-confessed fast food/Starbucks junkie. It’s just my life — however unfortunate.

  4. I love those cups! I had one but it broke when DH tried to pry the lid off without unscrewing it. Oh well. Starbucks is awesome!

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