This little piggy might need a pedicure. . . .

“Is it okay if my baby’s pinky toenails are growing perpendicular to her feet?” I said leerily.

“Hmmmmm.” pondered the doctor. “Let’s see.  Oh, wow, hum. Do you clip them? I see, I see. *tap, tap, tap* Try using curved scissors.”  She leaned in for a closer look.  “Well. . . . . . . sometimes this happens. We won’t worry about this now. These things usually sort themselves out.”

I think I’ll worry NOW.

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One thought on “This little piggy might need a pedicure. . . .

  1. Hmmm. All I see are some super cute baby feet. They look so sweet and kissable. I was remembering when my girls were that small and their feet were that kissable just the other day. Then I picked up one of their now giant, functional feet and thought — that’s not so kissable anymore. Something about actually walking on them makes them unkissable :-). Get all your kisses in now I say! BTW – I love the new background and banner.

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