The Versatile Blogger
How exciting!  I was awarded another blog award this week.  Thanks so much Jules.
Okay, here is the low down. . .  . . .

1. Thank the person who gave you the award. Thank you Jules!!!!! Love you, love your blog!
2. List 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass on the award to bloggers you’ve recently discovered. (Official rules say 15, but since Jules only gave it to 4 – I think I’ll follow her lead)
7 things about me. . . . .

1. I love Harry Connick Jr.
2. My favorite color is blue.
3. I’m a TOTAL nerd, I love to learn.
4. I love dinosaurs.
5. I love Harry Potter, Hermione, and Ron
6. I would be okay if I had a 5th child (shhhhhh. . . .)
7. My favorite time of day is just before dawn.
I am passing the VBA on to the following :

Eastlyn @ Eastlyn and Company

Hannah @ Our Happy Home

Haupi @ HaupLight

Emily @ Little Lessons
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One Lovely Blog Award

Wow! My very first blogger award. I’m so completey honored. Thanks Eastlyn. What a great pal you are!

So this is the deal, I’m supposed to write 8 things about me that most people don’t know, so here goes.

1.) My family (both my Mom and Dad’s) are from Louisianna.
2.) I have 4 bachelor degrees.
3.) My favorite ice cream is Coffee.
4.) My favorite drink is Hot Green Tea with Cream and Sugar.
5.) I always wanted a brother.
6.) I was a bit of a lush in college.
7.) I can make one eye look up, and one eye look down (at the same time).
8.) I’ve written a book.

I’m passing on this little diddy to my pal, Emily at Little Lessons! Job well done Em.

Here are the rules for the award Em.

1.) Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2) Share 8 things about yourself that other people may not know.
3) Pay it forward. Pass this award on to another blogger whom you love.

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