Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

“These are dark times, there is no denying. Our world has faced no greater threat than it does today. But you can’t fight this war on your own Mr. Potter. He’s too strong.”

From Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I

It’s good. It’s really, really, rather good. Brilliant in fact.

The seventh movie in the series, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1” proves to be spine tingling creepy. Eerie even. The signs are all around, the end is coming. The end of the series, the end of the legend, the end of the Harry Potter?
The band of best friends and wizards, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley have grown up, and left their adolescence behind. Hermione must leave her Muggle parents forever; Ron must find his way in this unfamiliar world, and Harry well. . . .he must save it. The odds are clearly stacked up against this talented band, as they are thrust into this bleak grown up world filled with danger and peril.

This time, not only does the danger lie in the outside world, but also within their clan. Harry struggles greatly with being the “chosen one.” He is ready to fight Voldemort to the finish, and die even, but he is not prepared to watch as his friends and allies lay down their lives to protect his.

Hermione Granger, in all of her strength and wisdom, grows sadder and lonelier. She has cast a spell on her Muggle parents to remove herself from their memory forever. And as the fate of the world is dependent upon the solidarity of her and her two closest friends she finds herself in a struggle to keep the three of them close.

Ron Weasley has recognized his role as the side kick, and is increasingly growing resentful. His insecurities fill him up as he struggles to find his place, in this ever volatile world as well as in Hermione’s heart.

The movie follows the book quite closely, conjuring up picturesque scenes and bleakness unique to the series. The movie, fashioned after the book, is slower and sadder than the earlier films. There are deaths, tortured moments, and frightfully fun, jump out of your seat scenes. For those unfamiliar with the book, at times the movie may be a bit hard to follow with the vast arrary of characters, and garbled, strange sounding terminology that can leave an newfound viewer a bit confused.

The 10 year old in me was delighted with the special effects, fighting, and magic. The 30 year old in me left the film, a little sad by the realization that this fantasy world will soon be coming to an end in the 8th and final installment.

*The mother in me left the film completely overjoyed that Harry Potter had grown out his hair a bit. It was longer than in was in the Half Blood Prince, and much longer than it was in The Order of the Phoenix. Although I think his best hair days were during The Goblet of Fire, I was able to live with its current length.

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